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Category Archives: Publikacije

Journal Heritage IX

The ninth issue of the journal Heritage was published in the run-up to the Book Fair in 2008.  As with the previous issues, the ninth issue maintained the quality of scientific work and a recognizable visual identity. The original contributions presented the latest results of archaeological research, and tackled the topics in the cultural heritage of the 19th and 20th century Belgrade. The cover features a postcard with a picture of a pavilion, which was erected on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Takovo Uprising in Topčider and destroyed during the First World War.
Cena: 1200 dinara



MIROSLAV TIMOTIJEVIĆ, Jubilej kao kolektivna reprezentacija – proslava pedesetogodišnjice Takovskog ustanka u Topčideru
ALEKSANDAR IGNJATOVIĆ, Izmedju žezla i ključa: Nacionalni identitet i arhitektonsko nasledje Beograda i Srbije u 19. i prvoj polovini 20. veka
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, O socrealizmu u beogradskoj arhitekturi i njegovim oprečnim tumačenjima
MARKO POPOVIĆ, Nova saznanja o gornjogradskom jugoistočnom bedemu
MINA MAJSTOROVIĆ, Najčešći antički motiv u arhitektonskoj plastici Beograda
MIRJANA ROTER-BLAGOJEVIĆ, MARKO NIKOLIĆ, Značaj očuvanja identiteta i autentičnosti u procesu urbane obnove grada – uloga stambene arhitekture Beograda sa kraja 19. i početka 20. veka u ogradjenju karaktera istorijskih ambijenata
DRAGANA MECANOV, Tipologija oblika stambene arhitekture pedesetih godina 20 veka u Beogradu
HAJNA TUCIĆ, Delo arhitekte Vojina Simeonovića izmedju dva svetska rata
TIJANA BORIĆ, Umetnički opus Ivana Meštrovića u Dvorskom kompleksu na Dedinju
DANIJELA VANUŠIĆ, Podizanje spomenika Pobede na Terazijama
MILAN PROSEN, 75 godina Ruskog doma u Beogradu
SVETLANA V. NEDIĆ, Palata Izvozne banke
JELENA PETROVIĆ, Zgrada zadužbine Luke Ćelovića
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, BILjANA MIŠIĆ, Palata Glavne pošte u Beogradu

SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, IRENA SRETENOVIĆ, Mogućnosti i problemi revitalizacije beogradske Fabrike šećera
NELA MIĆOVIĆ, Nova istraživanja jugoistočne nekropole antičkog Singdunuma

ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Snežana Toševa „Srbija i Britanija. Kulturni dodiri početkom XX veka“
IVANA ŽENARJU, „Slovenačka arhitektura 20. veka“
MIRJANA ROTER-BLAGOJEVIĆ, Prikaz monografije Aleksandar Ignjatović „Jugoslovenstvo u arhitekturi 1904-1941“

MILKA ČANAK MEDIĆ, Profesor Milorad Dimitrijević

Journal Heritage X

The 10th anniversary issue of the journal Heritagecame out in 2009. The cover featured the State Printing House Building as a creation of one of the most important 20th-century Serbian architects, Dragiša Brašovan. The regular journal columns presented the latest research into the archaeological and architectural legacy of Belgrade, withstudies focusing on the urban memory of the capital: the planting of the Takovo Bush sapling;the Topovskešupetransitional camp as the place of suffering; and the aspects of the preservation of the architectural legacy in the context of urban planning. The anniversary issue letter from the editorial board looked at the results of the published studies and provided a bibliography for the first ten issues.
Cena: 1200 dinara




MIROSLAV TIMOTIJEVIĆ, Prestonička urbana memorija i fleksibilna nacionalna geografija: sadjenje mladice Takovskog grma u beogradskom dvorskom parku
GORAN POLOVINA, Tranzitivni oblikovni koncepti na primerima arhitekture Beograda
MARKO POPOVIĆ, Sava kapija Beogradske tvrdjave
MIODRAG DABIŽIĆ, Kuća Grčkog obrazovnog bratstva – poslastičara Abijana
MILICA CERANIĆ, O arhitekturi palate Ministarstva pravde na Terazijama i njenim neimarskim uzorima
ALEKSANDAR BOŽOVIĆ, Kuća Marka Stojanovića, Pariska 15 u Beogradu
NENAD ŽARKOVIĆ, Prolazni logor Topovske šupe
DRAGANA MECANOV, Arhitektonski konkursi na Novom Beogradu od 1947. do 1970. godine
MARE JANAKOVA GRUJIĆ, Zgrada Vojnogeografskog instituta u Beogradu
MILAN POPADIĆ, Arhitektura Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Beogradu
VALENTINA BRDAR, Beogradski opus arhitekte Ive Kurtovića

ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Interpolacije u beogradskoj novijoj arhitekturi. Neomodernistička autorska interpolacija u Takovskoj ulici (2003–2008)
JELENA JOVANOVIĆ-SIMIĆ, Prva varoška bolnica u Beogradu – prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost

ZORAN SIMIĆ, NELA MIĆOVIĆ, Rezultati zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja prostora u bloku izmedju ulica Cincar Janka i Uzun Mirkove

ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Vidovi distanciranja od pojava tokom njihovog tumačenja u arhitektonskoj istoriografiji
SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Aspekti zaštite arhitektonskog nasledja u kontekstu planiranja

TIJANA BORIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Katarina Mitrović, „Topčider – dvor kneza Miloša Obrenovića“

MARINA NEŠKOVIĆ, Mila Vujičić-Vulović (1927-2008)
VERA PAVLOVIĆ LONČARSKI, Momčilo Moma Mitrović (Šabac, 2.9.1925 – Beograd, 2.6.2009)



Journal Heritage XI

The eleventh issue of the journal Heritage was published in 2010, at a time when the Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade celebrated its 50th anniversary. The director, Mr Milica Grozdanić, pointed out in the introduction the results of the Institute’s efforts in the area of preservation and conservation of the capital’s cultural legacy, sharing her profound conviction that the Institute would continue to promote the cultural legacy values and fully recognize its essence, structure, and history. The cover of this issue features the Ružica Church in the East Bailey of the Belgrade Fortress – a unique example in Serbia of the tranfomation of use from a utilitarian military structure to a religious one. The papers published in this issue focus on the architectual and urban planning-related legacy of Belgrade, examining the evaluation and preservation of the post-war architecture, as well as the participation of the populace as a requirement in the successful preservation of the legacy.

Cena: 1200 dinara


ALEKSANDAR BOŽOVIĆ, Crkva Ružica u istočnom podgradju Beogradske tvrdjave
MILOJKO GORDIĆ, Beogradska imanja kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevića
SVETLANA V. NEDIĆ, Dom Prometne banke
MILOJKO GORDIĆ, „Narodna gostionica“ – kasnije „Hotel Nacional“, Pariska br. 9
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, O arhitekturi jugoslovenskog poslanstva u Ankari
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Fabrika hartije Milana Vape
DRAGANA MECANOV, Valorizacija arhitekture stambenih zgrada iz perioda moderne
MIODRAG DABIŽIĆ, Kuća akademika Jovana Karamate sa spomen-pločom u Zemunu
KSENIJA ĆIRIĆ, Kuća u Nemanjinoj ulici broj 38
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Tri novije crkve Beograda – tri podsticaja razvoju srpskog sakralnog graditeljstva

MARKO POPOVIĆ, Tragovi rezidencijalnih zdanja srednjovekovnog Beograda

MILICA GROZDANIĆ, Prikaz metodologije planiranja u zaštićenim kulturno-istorijskim područjima na primeru Starog jezgra Zemuna

SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Učešće gradjana kao preduslov za uspešnu zaštitu nasledja
BILjANA MIŠIĆ, O vrednovanju i zaštiti posleratne arhitekture Beograda

MIRJANA ROTER-BLAGOJEVIĆ, MARKO NIKOLIĆ, Od klasicizma do secesije – stilske transformacije arhitekture u Beogradu tokom 19. i početkom 20. veka

NENAD LAJBENŠPERGER, Prikaz knjige: Logor Banjica, Logoraši, knjige zatočenika koncentracionog logora Beograd – Banjica (1941–1944), Beograd, 2009.
RENATA JADREŠIN-MILIĆ, Prikaz monografije: Dragana Ćorović Vrtni grad u Beogradu
TATJANA BOŠNJAK, Knjiga na koju se dugo čekalo: Muzej kneza Pavla

GORDANA SIMIĆ, Jovan Sekulić (1921-2009)

Journal Heritage XII

The twelfth issue of the journal Heritage was published in 2011. Its regular columns feature pieces looking at the architectural, urbanplanning-related, cultural, and social heritage of Belgrade; the legal aspects of the preservation of archaeological legacy; the storage and use of digital photographs as an important part of documenting cultural goods; and reviews of monographs, edited volumes, exhibitions, and specialist conferences. The cover features a valuable instance of the lost monument heritage, the Smiljanić House in Grocka, as well as an appeal and invitation to preserve the traditional secular, folk architecture.
Cena: 1200 dinara


MARKO POPOVIĆ, Istočno podgradje Beogradske tvrdjave – istraživanja i obnove
IGOR BOROZAN, Estetiziranje, teatralizacija i nacionalizacija gradjanstva: proslava Beogradskog pevačkog društva 1903.
MIODRAG DABIŽIĆ, Zgrade srpske škole i obeležje o Joakimu Vujiću
ZLATA VUKSANOVIĆ MACURA, Socijalni stanovi Beograda u prvoj polovini 20. veka
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Nastanak i razvoj industrijske zone na desnoj obali Dunava u Beogradu od kraja 19. do sredine 20. veka
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Novinarski dom – značajno ostvarenje hrvatskih arhitekata u Beogradu
DOBRIVOJE ERIĆ, Prva javna termoelektrična centrala u Beogradu
BILjANA MIŠIĆ, Evangelička crkva – Bitef teatar u Beogradu
OLGA LATINČIĆ, Valerij Vladimirovič Staševski (1882–?) u Beogradu
KSENIJA ĆIRIĆ, Beogradski opus slovenačkog arhitekte Ludviga Tomorija
IVANA VESKOVIĆ, Park prijateljstva u Novom Beogradu

DjINA VRZIĆ, MILICA GROZDANIĆ, Prikaz područja Beogradske tvrdjave u istorijskim i urbanističkim planovima kao prilog budućim procesima planiranja
SNEŽANA NEGOVANOVIĆ, Digitalna fotografija u foto-dokumentaciji kulturno-istorijskog nasledja
SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, MILICA GROZDANIĆ, Upoznavanje sa strategijom upravljanja rizicima po kulturno nasledje u slučaju katastrofa

NADA ŽIVKOVIĆ, Gročanske kuće – paradigma vremena

MIROSLAV MATIĆ, Pravni aspekti zaštite arheološkog nasledja

SRDjAN MARKOVIĆ, ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Prilog istraživanju ruske umetnosti na Balkanu: Viktor Ivanović Kosik, „Russkie kraski na balkanskoй palitre – Hudožestvennoe tvorčestvo russkih na Balkanah (konec XIX – načalo XXI veka)“
MILAN PROSEN, Prikaz izložbe „Stari Generalštab“
MILAN PROSEN, Medjunarodni naučni simpozijum „Prostori pamćenja: arhitektura, baština, umetnost“
VLADANA PUTNIK, Vanja Panić, „Milan Zloković: afirmacija modernizma“
MIRJANA ROTER BLAGOJEVIĆ, ALEKSANDAR IGNJATOVIĆ, IRENA KULETIN ĆULAFIĆ, MARKO NIKOLIĆ, SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Graditelji. Prikaz izložbe radova studenata Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i serije predavanja o graditeljima novijeg doba
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Zbornik radova „Očuvanje graditeljskog nasledja – stvarno i moguće“

Journal Heritage XIII

The thirteenth issue of the journal Heritage, with the cover showing the extraordinary achievement of modern Serbian architecture that is the Aeronautical Museum Belgrade in Surčin,was published in November 2012. The regular columns feature the original contributions tackling various topics in Belgrade’s architectural past: from different historical and cultural layers of the Belgrade Fortress and the Old Town, through the post-war monument heritage and collaboration of the preservation services with universities, to the overviews of the publishing activities of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade and other institutions. The procedure of conservation and restoration of mural paintings in St. Michael’s Cathedral, Belgrade, is presented in detail for the first time.

Cena: 1200 dinara

MARKO POPOVIĆ, Kapija cara Karla VI u Beogradu
IGOR BOROZAN, Spomenik Karadjordju – simbolizam, teatralizam i medijsko prožimanje
SVETLANA V. NEDIĆ, Palata Beogradske zadruge
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Ekspresionizam u beogradskoj arhitekturi (1918–1941)
ZLATA VUKSANOVIĆ MACURA, Plan Emila Hopea i Ota Šentala za Kotež Neimar
OLGA LATINČIĆ, Konstantin Kosta Glavinić – prilozi iz Istorijskog arhiva Beograda
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Dom Saveza nabavljačkih zadruga državnih službenika
BILjANA MIŠIĆ, Muzej vazduhoplovstva u Beogradu
VLADANA PUTNIK, Prilog proučavanju razvojnih tokova medjuratne stambene arhitekture Beograda
MARKO MATEJIĆ, Prilog proučavanju zgrade Generalštaba arhitekte Nikole Dobrovića: koncept i iskustvo prostora

MIODRAG A. DABIŽIĆ, Srpski dom i škola u Zemunu (1822-1907)

ZVONIMIR ZEKOVIĆ, Saborna crkva u Beogradu – konzervacija i restauracija zidnog slikarstva
SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Urbani dizajn, njegova uloga i značaj u čuvanju i kreiranju ambijentalnih celina

MIRJANA ROTER BLAGOJEVIĆ, MARKO NIKOLIĆ, Predlog revitalizacije Umetničke livnice „Skulptura“

IRINA SUBOTIĆ, Prikaz izložbe: Multikulturni Beograd – Spomeničko nasledje. Izložba o multikulturalnosti i interkulturalnosti kao znamenju
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Prikaz knjige: Biljana Mišić Palata Saveznog izvršnog veća u Novom Beogradu
TIJANA BORIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Valentina Brdar Ivo Kurtović
GORDANA JOVANOVIĆ, Jedan pogled na izložbu u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti-Beograd 1918–1941. 


uputstvo za autore

Journal Heritage XIV

The fourteenth issue of the journal Heritage was published in December 2013. The cover features the building of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade -also the topic of the article ‘The Building Above the Southwest Rampart of the Belgrade Upper Town’, which  examines it for the first time.  The journal’s regular columns tackle various topics in Belgrade’s architectural past: the Vidin Gate and the Zindan Gate Complex; the first airport in Belgrade, i.e. the Old Airport; the Sokol Society buildings and stadiums; the city park in Zemun; the house of Jovan Ilić; etc. Researches can benefit from the discussion of the Belgrade oeuvre of the architect Nikolai Vasilyev and a part of the architect Viktor Lukomski’s biography. The Lost Heritage column preserves the memory of two lost cultural monuments. Reviews are also provided of the exhibition ‘The Door to Belgrade’ and the book ‘The Story of Belgrade’.


Cena: 1200 dinara

MARKO POPOVIĆ, Beogradska Vidin kapija
MARINA PAVLOVIĆ, Kompleks Zindan kapije
VERA PAVLOVIĆ LONČARSKI, MARINA NEŠKOVIĆ, Zgrada nad jugozapadnim bedemom beogradskog Gornjeg grada
VLADANA PUTNIK, Sokolski domovi i stadioni u Beogradu
ALEKSANDAR BOŽOVIĆ, Kuća arhitekte Jovana Ilkića u Beogradu
BILjANA MIŠIĆ, Hangar Starog aerodroma – svedočanstvo prvog vazdušnog pristaništa u Beogradu
ALEKSANDAR JAHONTOV, MILAN PROSEN, Stvaralaštvo arhitekte Nikolaja Vasiljeviča Vasiljeva i njegov beogradski opus (maj 1921 – februar 1923)

MIODRAG A. DABIŽIĆ, Prilog prošlosti Gradskog parka u Zemunu od sedamdesetih godina XIX veka do 1914. godine
ZLATA VUKSANOVIĆ MACURA, Emil Hope i Oto Šental: malo poznat projekat za Terazijsku terasu
JELENA JOVANOVIĆ, Viktor Viktorovič Lukomski – prilog za biografiju

SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Lokalna zajednica u funkciji očuvanja nasledja – istraživanje Gospodar Jovanove ulice
RADE MRLjEŠ, Rekonstitucija bloka izmedju ulica Višnjićeve, Zmaja od Noćaja, Kralja Petra i Gospodar Jovanove

ANA SIBINOVIĆ, Stara porodična kuća Aćimovića u Progaru
ALEKSANDRA ILIJEVSKI, Prilog proučavanju arhitekture i ideologije Mosta viteškog kralja Aleksandra Prvog Ujedinitelja u Beogradu

IRINA SUBOTIĆ, Prikaz: Vrata Beograda, Dokumentarna izložba Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture grada Beograda
SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Ksenija Ćirić, Priče o Beogradu
MILICA GROZDANIĆ, Prikaz konferencije: Industrijsko nasledje – problemi i mogućnosti integrativne zaštite, prezentacije i revitalizacije

uputstvo za autore



Journal Heritage XV

The fifteenth issue of the journal Heritage was published in November 2014. The cover features the building known as Bogoslovija–The Seminary for the students of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade, designed by the architect Aleksandar Deroko. The editorial board introduced in this issue a new column titled Material. The other, regular columnsare concerned with various topics in the rich cultural heritage of the city of Belgrade. This issue presents the project of rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Topčider Parish House and looks in detail at one of the most recognisable urban memory landmarks – the Fisherman (Struggle) Fountain. The article titled ‘The Weifert is not Weifert’ sheds light on the identity of the bronze figure of a man in the entrance hall of the National Bank of Serbia, which is thought to represent ĐorđeWeifert, the best-known governor of the Serbian and Yugoslavian central bank. The column Reviews presents a monograph titled Rajko M. Tatić, 1900–1979, by SašaMihajlov; the book Life on Edge: The Living Quarters of the Poor in Belgrade, 1919–1941, by ZlataVuksanovićMacura; and a monograph on French embassy buildings in Belgrade.


NADA ŽIVKOVIĆ I IVANA FILIPOVIĆ, Crkveni konak u Topčideru
NENAD LUKIĆ, Beogradske ručne pivare u XIX veku
IGOR BOROZAN, Obnova antike i arhajski modernizam: Fontana Ribar (Borba) Simeona Roksandića
MILICA MADjANOVIĆ, Arhitektura pratećih gradjevina Dvorskog kompleksa
MILAN PROSEN, Palata Privilegovane agrarne banke u Beogradu
KSENIJA ĆIRIĆ, Internat studenata Pravoslavnog bogoslovskog fakulteta u Beogradu
BOJANA IBRAJTER GAZIBARA, Prilog proučavanju Doma štampe u Beogradu
GORAN ANDjELKOVIĆ, Zgrada u Pariskoj 14

ZLATA VUKSANOVIĆ MACURA, SINGIDUNUM NOVISSIMA: novo čitanje poznatog konkursnog rada
JELENA JOVANOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju Topčidera
DUŠICA ŽIVANOVIĆ, Analiza geometrijskih pravila na primeru kuće u NJegoševoj 11
DRAGANA MECANOV, Prilog proučavanju graditeljskog opusa Biroa za studije u Beogradu
SAŠA ILIĆ I SONJA JERKOVIĆ, Vajfert nije Vajfert – identitet skulpture Anibala de Lota

VLADANA PUTNIK, Katedrala Beogradske nadbiskupije: od inicijative do nerealizovanog projekta

OLGA LATINČIĆ, Vladimir Ivanovič Bilinski, arhitekt – inženjer:
prilozi za biografiju / iz arhivske gradje Istorijskog arhiva Beograda

MILAN PROSEN, Prikaz monografije: Ambassade De France A Belgrade / Ambasada Francuske u Beogradu
ALEKSANDRA ILIJEVSKI, Prikaz knjige: Saša Mihajlov, Rajko M. Tatić 1900–1979
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Prikaz izložbe: Skriveno blago Doma Jevrema Grujića
KATARINA MITROVIĆ, Prikaz izložbe i monografske studije: Danijela Vanušić, Konstantin A. Jovanović. Arhitekta velikog formata
KSENIJA ĆIRIĆ, O projektu Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture grada Beograda BeoKul GradskaTura
NADjA KURTOVIĆ FOLIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Z. V. Macura, Život na ivici: stanovanje sirotinje u Beogradu 1919–1941


Journal Heritage XVI

The cover of the sixteenth issue of the journal Heritage, published in November 2015, features the portal of a building in 4 Vlajkovićeva Street. The article on portals and halls of apartment buildings in Belgrade (1918-1941) is concerned with the expansion of residential building construction in the inter-war Belgrade. In addition to the attention paid by the architects to the treatment of frontages, a great importance was placed on developing solutions for the entrance portals and halls, which provided information on the quality of living in the buildings in question. Portals and entrance halls are then classified based on the research conducted. The article ‘Bara Venecija and Savamala: The Railway and the City’ analyses the plans and projects of the development of the railway network in Belgrade, drawn up in the period between the two great wars, as well as the conduct of the key actors tasked with their implementation. The process of construction of the Belgrade railway junction is also presented, as well as its impact on the Belgrade river banks, especially the area of Bara Venecija and Savamala, referred to today as the Belgrade Waterfront. The new issue also brings an article on the building of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the most representative buildings in the Belgrade architecture, designed in the style of the Secession and French Decorative Art. The article titled ‘Software for Keeping Photographic Records of Immovable Cultural Goods’ presents a software application for recording and classifying the digital photodocumentation of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade.


ZLATA VUKSANOVIĆ MACURA, Bara Venecija i Savamala: železnica i grad
MARINA PAVLOVIĆ, Devet decenija zdanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti
VLADANA PUTNIK, Ulazni portali i holovi stambenih zgrada u Beogradu (1918–1941)
MARKO STOJANOVIĆ, Antituberkulozni dispanzer u Mladenovcu arhitekte Milorada Pantovića

IRENA KOLAJ RISTANOVIĆ, Iz zaostavštine kapetana Jovana Veljkovića (1798–1874) Povodom dve stotine godina od osnivanja Knjaževske kancelarije
MILICA MADjANOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju beogradskog opusa Nikolaja Petroviča Krasnova (1922–1939)

SNEŽANA NEGOVANOVIĆ I BRANISLAV TOMIĆ, Program za vodjenje foto-dokumentacije nepokretnih kulturnih dobara
SVETLANA PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ, Zaštita arhitektonskih arhivskih dokumenata

NADA ŽIVKOVIĆ, Stara varoška kuća u Obrenovcu

NENAD LUKIĆ, Parna pivara „Ignjat Bajloni i sinovi“ 1888–1946.
ANA SIBINOVIĆ, Kuća porodice Radosavljević sa pomoćnim objektima u Mladenovcu
OLGA LATINČIĆ, Prilozi biografijama ruskih arhitekata-graditelja Beograda

SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Prikaz izložbe: Memorijali Prvog svetskog rata na teritoriji Beograda
NENAD LAJBENŠPERGER, Prikaz V konferencije i zbornika radova: Javni spomenici i spomen-obeležja kolektivno pamćenje i/ili zaborav
TIJANA BORIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Umetnička topografija Novog Sada, Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 2014.
MIODRAG FERENČAK, Konkurs za Beograd i San o gradu

Journal Heritage XVII


The seventeenth issue of the journal Heritage was published in October 2016. The cover features a first-floor lateral windowdetail with caryatids on thestreet façade of a building in 18 Resavska Street in Belgrade. This building is a very important work among the comparatively few preserved residential structures in Belgrade at the turn of the 19th century. The regular columns featurethe article ‘The North Gate of the Medieval Baily on the Sava’, presenting the results of new archaeological research into a portion of the North Rampart of the Sava Bailey from the first half of the 14th century, later referred to as the West Bailey; the article ‘The Palace of Miloš Savčić (1924-1926) – An Untypical Corner Building’ is concerned with the building in question, an understudied corner building in Belgrade’s central area,erected between 1924 and 1926 at the corner of Kralja Milana Street and Andrićev Venac Street. The building merits academic attention not only due to its place in the urban layout and its spatial positioning, but also as a representative example of Academicist architecture. The paper on Teleoptik,the first Yugoslavian telephony, optics, and precision mechanics plant, presents the key moments in its history. The paper titled ‘The Art Collection of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade’ discusses the importance of the collection kept at the faculty in question and its changing uses and roles through history. A review of the 6th Conference – Architecture and Urban Planning after the Second World War – Preservation as a Process or Modeland the conference proceedings is also provided. The column In Memoriamhonours the memory of our colleague Zlatibor Stojanović and Professor Miroslav Timotijević, a long-standing member of the Heritage editorial board.


MARKO POPOVIĆ, Severna kapija srednjovekovnog podgradja na Savi
ALEKSANDAR BOŽOVIĆ, Zgrada u Resavskoj ulici broj 18 u Beogradu
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Palata Miloša Savčića (1924–1926) –
netipična beogradska ugaona zgrada
SAŠA MIHAJLOV, Fabrika „Teleoptik“ u Zemunu
OLGA LATINČIĆ, Dr Milan Glavinić (Beograd,1891 – Beograd, 1968), arhitekt,
prilozi za biografiju
MARKO STOJANOVIĆ, IVAN STANOJEV, Traženje nacionalnog identiteta
Kraljevine Jugoslavije – od Vidovdanskog do Svetosavskog hrama
DRAGANA MECANOV, Uticaj sistema prefabrikovane gradnje na arhitekturu Beograda
MARINA PAVLOVIĆ, Tri nerealizovana projekta u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra –
iz petogodišnjeg plana razvoja Beograda 1947–1951.
ALEKSANDRA RISTANOVIĆ, 3 D skeniranje javnih spomenika na području Beograda
SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Problemsko polje oblikovanja
u planovima urbane obnove
OLIVERA ERIĆ, Umetnička zbirka Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu
NENAD LUKIĆ, Čukarica 1840−1900, nastanak i razvoj
IRINA SUBOTIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Miodrag A. Dabižić, Zemunsko groblje
NADA ŽIVKOVIĆ, Prikaz VI konferencije i zbornik radova: Arhitektura i urbanizam posle Drugog svetskog rata – zaštita kao proces ili model
ZLATA VUKSANOVIĆ MACURA, Prikaz knjige: On the Very Edge: Modernism and Modernity in the Arts and Architecture of Interwar Serbia (1918–1941), Louven University Press, Leuven (Belgium), 2014.
ZORAN JAKOVLjEVIĆ, Zlatibor Stojanović (1949–2015)
IGOR BOROZAN, Miroslav Timotijević (1950−2016)




Journal Heritage XVIII

nasledje 2017 k1

The eighteenth issue of the journal Heritage was published in October 2017. The cover features the monument in honour of Vasa Čarapić in Belgrade. Erected in 1951, it is an important work of the period, as well as one of the most important works in the oeuvre of the sculptor Radeta Stanković. The regular columns feature the article titled ‘Belgrade Interpolations of the Architect Konstantin Jovanović’, which brings to the fore the cultural contribution of this architect in the construction of Belgrade, owing to whom Belgrade took on the appearance of a European capital. Through his works – buildings such as the National Bank, the Nikola Spasić Foundation, and others – Jovanović was recognized as a cultural emancipatorestablishing connections between the Serbian and the central-European architectures. His inspired interpolations have especially contributed to Belgrade’s transformation from a Turkish town into a European city. The article on an unusual scene contained in a pilgrimage icon from the Ružica Church points to one of the representations in an iconographically complex Jerusalem icon from 1819. In this representation, the icon of Madonna and Child is central, and is presented to Virgin Mary by Luke the Evangelist. Based on the comparisons with later graphics, the author concludes that it is a representation of the myth of the miraculous icon from the Kykkos monastery in Cyprus. The icon in question was painted by Luke the Evangelist and blessed by the words of Virgin Mary. This myth played a role in justifying the cult of icons, as well as in ramping up the prestige of the Kykkos icon itself. Also provided is a review of the 7th Conference on Cultural Heritage The Cultural Landscape, as well as the conference proceedings. The articles also include a review of the exhibition and monograph titled Aleksandar Kadijević – The Byzantine Architecture as an Inspiration for Present-day Serbian Architects. The column In Memoriam honours the memory of Miodrag Dabižić, one of the best-known and probably oldest inhabitants of Zemun, who dedicated his whole life to researching the history and heritage of Zemun, its material monuments and socio-cultural life, which will leave his name in the bibliography records on the history of Zemun.




spomeničko nasledje

DUŠICA NIKOLIĆ, Beogradske interpolacije arhitekte Konstantina Jovanovića
MARIJA POKRAJAC, Istorija kuće porodice Vladisavljević na uglu Dositejeve i Gospodar Jevremove ulice broj 57
ALEKSANDAR BOŽOVIĆ, Spomenik Vasi Čarapiću u Beogradu


LjILjANA DjUKANOVIĆ, Razvoj tehnika gradjenja u stambenoj arhitekturi Beograda tokom 19. i početkom 20. veka
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ, Baltička moderna u Beogradu: projekt Uprave monopola i Ministarstva finansija (1908) Kričinskog i Vasiljeva
VLADANA PUTNIK PRICA, U lepom stanu sreća stanuje: beogradski enterijeri kao vid javnih prostora u medjuratnom periodu
NADA ŽIVKOVIĆ, Čarobni vrt Bogosava Živkovića – stanje i predlog zaštite
MARKO KATIĆ, Jedna neobična scena na hadžijskoj ikoni iz Crkve Ružice

konzervatorski pristup

JELENA VASIĆ DERIMANOVIĆ, SVETLANA PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ,Konzervacija papirnog novca iz Legata Djordja Novakovića u Muzeju grada Beograda
ALEKSANDRA RISTANOVIĆ, Skulptura u cinku na području Beograda

pogledi i mišljenja

SVETLANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Forma grada i urbanistička regulacija: Osmanov Pariz i Josimovićev Beograd


IRINA SUBOTIĆ, Prikaz knjige: Hajna Tucić, dr Milan Prosen, Alfa medju palatama – Jadransko-podunavska banka
NADA ŽIVKOVIĆ, Prikaz VII konferencije i zbornika radova:Kulturni predeo
MILAN PROSEN, Prikaz izložbe i monografske studije: Aleksandar Kadijević, Vizantijsko graditeljstvo kao inspiracija srpskih neimara novijeg doba
DRAGANA MECANOV, Prikaz monografije: Dr Djordje Alfirević, Ekspresionizam u srpskoj arhitekturi

in memoriam

JOVANKA VESELINOVIĆ, Miodrag A. Dabižić (1922–2017)